Alvin Xu '26

Alvin Xu

Brooklyn, NY
College BA
Computational/Mathematical Biology
Wharton BSE

Why did you choose LSM?

I chose LSM because I believe working at the intersection of science and business would allow me to explore my scientific interests. Some of my scientific interests are quite niche, and being able to speak the language of business would allow me to advocate for fields that might be underfunded but are still very important to study. Additionally, I aspire to someday try turning a scientific innovation into a commercial product, so LSM was the perfect program as it develops my skills in both science and business.


What do you find most rewarding or enjoyable about the LSM program?

The most rewarding part of the LSM program is the opportunities. Through the Wharton School, I was able to try out venture capital during my freshman summer, which is a very rare experience for an undergrad. And, through the School of Arts and Science and Penn Engineering, I’ve been able to work at labs and talk to professors that aided in my understanding of what research and entrepreneurship is. LSMers also have access to a rich network of alumni, within the program, but also within the greater Penn community, I’m often touched by how eager alumni are willing to help.


Are you doing research currently? If so, where and on what, and what do you like about it?

Yes! I’m currently working in the Evolution and Ecology of Disease Systems which is led by Dr. Brisson. My current project is a computational biology project that seeks to improve a program that generates primers for selective wide genome amplification. I am applying to a fellowship as well right now and hope to try out an evolutionary biology/ecology project I have in mind, that is still in the works.


What is the favorite thing you’ve done at Penn so far?

Y-Prize. Through Y-Prize, I experienced firsthand how laborious the entrepreneurial path is, and Y-Prize was only a small snippet of the entire journey. I’ve met brilliant people through the competition, some of whom I had the privilege to call my teammates. Y-Prize introduces a new way of thinking and I think any student at Penn who is interested in entrepreneurship should participate in the competition. You learn a lot.