Michael Tepperman '27

Michael Tepperman

North Brunswick, NJ
College BA
Wharton BSE
Healthcare Management, Finance

Why did you choose LSM?

As someone who attended a STEM High School, but was also very involved in leadership in the organizations I cared about, I realized that the best way for me to make a genuine impact is to work at the intersection between biology and business. LSM provides you with the acumen necessary to both identify and bring to market valuable scientific discoveries.


What do you find most rewarding or enjoyable about the LSM program?

I think the most rewarding part of the LSM program is the community of friends. Whether it be studying for exams, hosting Secret Santas in the LSM lounge, asking for advice, or sharing a sublet over the summer, LSM is an incredibly welcoming and rewarding community to have behind you on campus.


What main extracurricular activities do you do at Penn?

I am currently an analyst for Snider Consulting through Venture Labs, a researcher in the Hua Lab at Penn Medicine, a consulting project lead for the Wharton Undergraduate Healthcare Club, and an associate member of the Penn Undergraduate Assembly.


Do you have plans for after graduation (tentative or otherwise)?

I am looking to pursue consulting for my first few years post-grad before entering a PhD program. From there, I hope to use that additional background in both business and the life sciences to eventually work in a managerial position in the biotech industry.