Sample Schedule #1
BA in Biology, BS in Economics (concentration in Operations, Information & Decisions)*
LSM Courses
General Education Courses
First-Year Fall Semester
Life Sciences & Management Seminar (LSMP 1210) |
Molecular Biology of Life with lab (BIOL 1121, 1123) |
Critical Writing (WRIT 0890) |
Micro/Macroeconomics (BEPP 1000) |
Business and You (WH1010) |
First-Year Spring Semester
Ethics and Social Responsibility (LGST 1000) |
General Chemistry I with lab (CHEM 1012 & 1101) |
Managerial Economics (BEPP 2500) |
Introduction to Operations, Information and Decisions (OIDD 1010) |
Introduction to Business Statistics II (STAT 1020) |
Fall Semester
The American South (HIST 1121) |
General Chemistry II with lab (CHEM 1022 & 1102) |
Molecular Biology and Genetics (BIOL 2210) |
Principles of Accounting I (ACCT 1010) |
Corporate Finance (FNCE 1000) |
Business Communication (WH2010) |
Spring Semester
Classical Traditions (ENGL 1009) |
Evolutionary Biology (BIOL 2410) |
Organic Chemistry I with lab (CHEM 2411) |
Comparative Healthcare Systems (HCMG 2040) |
Monetary Economics (FNCE 1010) |
Managerial Accounting (ACCT 1020) |
Summer Internship
Fall Semester
Organic Chemistry II with lab (CHEM 2421) |
Ecology (BIOL 2610) |
Decision Processes (OIDD 2900) |
General Physics (PHYS 0101) |
Intro to Marketing (MKTG 1010) |
Spring Semester
Introductory Organismal Biology Lab (BIOL 1124) |
Biochemistry (BIOL 2810) |
General Physics (PHYS 0102) |
Introduction to Management (MGMT 1010) |
Negotiations (OIDD 2910) |
Summer Internship
Fall Semester
LSM Capstone (LSMP 4210) |
Consumer Behavior (MKTG 2110) |
Independent Study (BIOL 3999) |
Human Physiology (BIOL 3310) |
Race, Science, and Globalization (STSC 2198) |
Social Impact and Responsibility (LGST 2300) |
Spring Semester
LSM Capstone (LSMP 4210) |
Independent Study (BIOL 4999) |
Genome Sciences & Genomic Medicine (BIOL 4231) |
Risk Analysis and Environmental Management (OIDD 2610) |
Introduction to Computer Programming (CIS 1100) |
*Assumes AP credit for Calculus I (MATH 1400) and waiver for Statistics I (STAT 1010), as well as AP Language Credit.