Sample Schedule #3

BA in Neuroscience, BS in Economics (concentration in Finance), with Study Abroad*

  • Science

  • Business

  • LSM Courses

  • General Education Courses


First-Year Fall Semester

Life Sciences & Management Seminar (LSMP 1210)

Molecular Biology of Life with Lab (BIOL 1121 & 1123)

Micro/Macroeconomics (BEPP 1000)

Busines and You (WH 1010) (half credit)

Writing Seminar: The Model Minority Myth (WRIT 0160)

First-Year Spring Semester

Introduction to Brain and Behavior (NRSC 1110)

General Chemistry I (CHEM 1012)

Intro to Operations, Information and Decisions (OIDD 1010)

Intro to Business Statistics I (STAT 1010)

Environment and Society (STSC 1880)

Introduction to Indian Philosophy (SAST 0050)

Lab Research


Fall Semester

Management Communication (WH 2010) (half credit)

Physiology of Motivated Behavior (NRSC2227)

Cognitive Neuroscience (NRSC 2249)

Principles of Accounting I (ACCT 1010)

Corporate Finance (FNCE 1000)

Intro to Business Statistics II (STAT 1020)

Spring Semester

Organic Chemistry I (CHEM 2410)

Human Chronobiology and Sleep (BIBB 2240)

Intro to Orgamism Biology lab (BIOL 1124) (half credit)

Managerial Accounting (ACCT 1020)

Monetary Economics (FNCE 1010)

Investment Management (FNCE 2050)

Intro to Contemporary Asian Studies (EALC 4983)

Summer Internship


Fall Semester

Molecular Biology and Genetics (BIOL 2210)

Drugs, Brain, and Mind (BIBB 2270)

Introduction to Management (MGMT 1010)

Advanced Corporate Finance (FNCE 2030)

Managerial Economics (BEPP 2500)

Asian American Literature (ENGL 1270)

Spring Semester


Molecular and Cellular Neurobiology (NRSC 2110)

Abnormal Psychology (PSYC 1462)

Negotiations (WH 3400)

World in Crisis (PSCI 2994)

Summer Internship


Fall Semester

LSM Capstone (LSMP 4210)

NRSC Independent Study (NRSC 3999)

Introduction to Marketing (MKTG 1010)

Ethics & Social Responsibility (LGST 1000)

Negotiations (OIDD 2910)

Politics of the Multinational Firm (MGMT 2090)

Spring Semester

LSM Capstone (LSMP 4210)

Advanced NRSC Independent Study (NRSC 4999)

Molecular Genetics of Neurological Disease (NRSC 4266)

Venture Capital and the Finance of Innovation (FNCE 2500)

Behavioral Finance (FNCE 2390)

Africa Since 1800 (HIST 0350)

*Assumes AP credit for Calculus I (MATH 1400) as well as language credit and departmental equivalency exam credit for CHEM 1022.